gran sasso raid in Chinese
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- sasso
- 萨索; 石
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- gran
- 格兰; 格朗; 格氏; 惠尔血; 粒状的
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- a raid
- 原子空中突击
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- raid
- n. 1.(骑兵队等的)急袭,袭击;突击;(军舰等的)游击;(盗贼、狐等的)侵入。 2.(警察的)抄查,围捕。 短语和例子 an air raid 空袭。 a raid on a bank 抢劫银行。 make a raid into 侵入,袭击。 make a raid on [upon] 抄查,围捕。 vt. , vi. 攻入,袭击 (into) (警察...
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- the raid
- 财叔之横扫千军
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What is the meaning of gran sasso raid in Chinese and how to say gran sasso raid in Chinese? gran sasso raid Chinese meaning, gran sasso raid的中文,gran sasso raid的中文,gran sasso raid的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by